Some people believe that our senses process very little of the physical world and that there is far more to reality than we experience on a daily basis. They believe that every now and then, a person may gain access, wittingly or unwittingly, to happenings beyond the perceived natural. This experience of a Long Island fisherman would suggest that there is something more to the natural lives that we lead.
Charles Curry always preferred fishing alone, despite his friends’ disapproval. They often told him not to go alone because it was not safe and warned that “one of these times, Charles, somebody ga scare the hell outta you”.
Charles continued as usual. He left his wife at home and went out fishing by himself. When he returned home, his wife asked him about the trip. Charles did not speak. He could not speak to his wife for three days. After three days, he told her this story:
He was out on the water fishing when he saw a coffin coming toward him through the water in a huge wave. As it came closer to his boat, he saw that in the casket was his friend. He was terrified. He remembered the words of that friend telling him one of these days someone would scare the hell out him going fishing by himself.
Days later, this friend died.
Do you believe in a supernatural realm? Have you had a similar experience? Share your thoughts and experience with us.
The fisherman’s name in this story was changed to protect his privacy.
I have heard a few ghost stories from some Acklins Islanders.
Hi Penelope, hopefully some of those Acklins Islanders will share their stories with us. We would love to hear them and share them.